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Friday, October 14, 2011

C Code For System Of Linear Equations Solver

//this is the program  for gaussian elimination method for solving system of equations

#include<stdio.h>         //preprocessor library used in the program

void starter();           //this function displays the start of the program
void getvalues(int R,int C,float A[][C+1]);//this function get values of augmented values
void printmatrix(int R,int C,float A[][C+1]);           //function  will print the matrix
void Swap(int R,int C,float A[][C+1]);        //function will swap the rows of the matrix
float Echelon(int R1,int C1,float A1[][C1+1]);//function will convert matrix in echelon form
float Infinite(int R2,int C2,float A2[][C2+1],float X1[]); //function for infinite sol. case
float Unique(int R3,int C3, float A3[][C3+1],float X2[]);        //function for no sol. case
void solution(int R,int C,float A[][C+1],float X[]);   //function  shows the solution result
void endresult();                                          //function which ends the program

int main()                                                     //main function starts here
    starter();                                                   //call to starter function
    int i,j,R,C;                                    //declaration of variables used in main
              //now it will take user input for how many unknown variables of each equation
    printf("\n\tEnter Number of unknown variables.\n\t");                    //ask the user
    scanf("   %d",&R);                                            //get the value from user
    C=R;                      //no.of unknown vaariables is always equal to no of equations
    float A[R][C+1];          //declaration of array which contains the augmented matrix
    float X[10]={0};          //declaring array which contains row to swap
    getvalues(R,C,A);         //call for getting the input for augmented matrix
    printf("\tThe augmented matrix of the system of equations is\n");
    printmatrix(R,C,A);        //call to show the matrix before echelon form
    Swap(R,C,A);               //call to check the matrix for any zero value and then swap
    Echelon(R,C,A);            //call for converting in echelon form
    printf("\tAfter reducing the matrix in echelon form\n");
    printmatrix(R,C,A);        //print the matrix after echelon form
    solution(R,C,A,X);         //call to display the final result
    endresult();               //call to end the program
       return 0;               //ensures program ends
//main bloack ends

          //function  for starting page starts here
void starter()//definition of the funtion starter of void type
     //the very first welcoming screen display
    printf("\n!!      ****************** ASSLAM U ALAIKUM ******************  !!");
    printf("\n!!      \t                                            \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t                                            \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF LINEAR EQUATIONS \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t YOU CAN SOLVE ANY KIND OF EQUATION USING \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t                                            \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t \tGAUSSIAN ELIMINATION METHOD \t\t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t                                            \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      \t                                            \t!!");
    printf("\n!!      ----------------GENERAL INSTRUCTION-------------------  !!");
    printf("\n!!      1)Number of equations and variables should be equal.    !!");
    printf("\n!!      2)Gaussian method is applicable for square matrices.    !!");
    printf("\n!!      3)Equations  in the form of matrix are as AX=B  \t!!\n!!\t where\t\t\t\t\t\t\t!!\n!!\t  A is the matrix of coefficients.\t\t\t!!");
    printf("\n!!        B is matrix for constants.\t\t\t\t!!");
    printf("\n!!        X is the unknown matrix which contains variables.     !!");
   //general instructions for the user are also included so that he could understand
   // what he is doing
         //starter function ends here
         //definition of getvalues function starts here
    //it will get the co efficient of the variables and adjust them in an array
void getvalues(int R,int C,float A[][C+1])
     int i,j;   //declare i for row check and j for colomn check
     printf("\n\tEnter coefficients which are the elements of matrix A\n");
     int equno=0;  //asking user for input and equno is used to checkfor no of equation
     for (i=0; i<R; i++)     //this for loop will move through each row
         equno++;        //increment in variable
         printf("\tequation %d \n",equno); //show equation no.whose values are entered
         for (j=0;j<C; j++)  //for loop will move through each coloumn
             printf("\t  A[%d][%d]   ",i+1,j+1); 
             scanf("%f",&A[i][j]);    //takes user input and adjust in the array
          printf("\n");    //switch lines
      printf("\tEnter Elements Of Matix B\n");  //asks for values in constant matrix
      for (i=0; i<R; i++)      //loop for rows
          for (j=C; j<C+1; j++)  //loop for coloumn
              printf("\t  B[%d][%d]   ",i+1,j+1);
              scanf("%f",&A[i][j]);   //takes input and adjust in last colomn of array
          printf("\n"); // switch lines
}//getvalues function ends here

    //function for printing matrix
   //printing the values of the array in augmented matrix
void printmatrix(int R,int C,float A[][C+1])
     int i,j;  //declare i for row check and j for colomn check
     for (i=0; i<R; i++) //this for loop will move through each row
         for (j=0; j<C+1; j++)   //loop for coloumn
             if(j!=C)  //print the values of matrix A
             {printf("\t%.1f  ",A[i][j]);}
             if(j==C)  //prints the vaalues of matrix B
             {printf("|\t%.1f  ",A[i][j]);}
             printf("\n");//switch lines
     printf("\n\n");//switch lines
}//printmatrix funcion ends here

   //function for swapping rows
  //this swap rows if there is zero in the diagonal
void Swap(int R,int C,float A[][C+1])
      int i,j,Counter1,Counter2,Counter3,Temp2,red=0;  //declaration variables
      float Temp[C+1];      //declare an array for swaping assistance
      for (i=0; i<R; i++)      //loop for rows
           for (j=0; j<C+1; j++)      //loop for coloumn
           {    if (i==j)    //checks only for element in diagonal
                {   if  (A[i][i]==0)   //check for 0 in diagonal
                    {   for (Counter3=0; Counter3<R; Counter3++)
                        {    if (A[Counter3][j]!=0)    
                                 for (Counter2=0; Counter2<C+1; Counter2++)
                                  {   //this will swap the rows
}//swap function will end here

  //echelon funcion starts here
  //it will convert matrix in upper trangular form
float Echelon(int R1,int C1,float A1[][C1+1])
      int i,j,Pass1,Pass2,Pass3,K3;  //declaration variables
      //K3 for storing divisor  //all pass1,2,3 for sorting assistance
      Pass2=0;  // initialization of variables

      for (j=0; j<C1; j++)  //loop for rows
          Pass2++;  //increment
          K3=1;     //initalize divisor at 1

          for (i=Pass2; i<R1+1; i++)  //loop for coloumn
              if (j==i-1)      //
                         float K1=A1[i-1][j];  //stores  value for division
                         for (Pass1=0; Pass1<C1+1; Pass1++) //check for rows
                             if (i==R1 && A1[R1-1][C1-1]==0 && A1[R1-1][C1]!=0)
                             if (i==R1 && A1[R1-1][C1-1]==0 && A1[R1-1][C1]==0)
              if (i==R1)
              float K2=A1[i][j];

              for (Pass3=0; Pass3<C1+1; Pass3++)
}  //echelon function ends

// infinite function starts
//function willoperate for infinte solutions
float Infinite(int R2,int C2,float A2[][C2+1],float X1[])
      int i,j,Pass6,Pass7;
      for (i=0; i<(R2-1); i++)
                 if (Pass6>1)
                             for (j=1; j<Pass6; j++)
                                 int Pass7;
}//infinite  function ends here

    //function for unique solution
    //back substitution of unique answers held here
float Unique(int R3,int C3, float A3[][C3+1],float X2[])
     int i,j,Pass4,Pass5;  //declaration variables

     for (i=0; i<R3; i++)   //loop for rows
         if (Pass4>1)
                     for (j=1; j<Pass4; j++)  //loop for coloumn
                         X2[i]=X2[i]+A3[R3-(i+1)][C3] -X2[j-1]*A3[R3-(i+1)][C3-j];
                         if (j==1)
} //unique function ends here

  //function for displaying answrs starts
  //will show the respective solution of the matrices
void solution(int R,int C,float A[][C+1],float X[])
     int i,j;      //declare i for row check and j for colomn check
     printf("\n\t******HERE IS THE ANSWER******\t\n");
     if (A[R-1][C-1]==0 && A[R-1][C]!=0)  //condition for no solution
                        printf("\n\n\t The given system of equation has no solution\n");
     if (A[R-1][C-1]==0 && A[R-1][C]==0)  //condition for infinite solution
                         Infinite(C,R,A,X); //calls infinite function
                         printf("\n\tThe given system of equation has Infinite Solutions\n\t");
                         for (i=0; i<(R-1); i++)  //loop for rows
                               printf("\tX[%d] = %.2ft\n",i+1,X[R-(i+2)]);
                          }  //displays the result of infinite answer
                               printf("\tX[%d] = t\n",R);
                               printf("\tWhere   -Infinity < t < +Infinity\n");
       if (A[R-1][C-1]!=0)// condition for unique solution
                          Unique(R,C,A,X);//calls for unique function
                          printf("\tEach unknown variable has unique solution\n");
                          for (i=0; i<R; i++) //loop for rows
                              printf("\t\tX[%d] = %.2f \n",1+i,X[R-i-1]);
                           } //display result for unique solutions
}   // solution function ends here

  //this will display the good bye screen
  //and will show the group members
void endresult() 
     printf("\n\n\t**************THANK YOU FOR USING THIS PROGRAM*****************");
     }//function end result will end here
//the program will end


  1. i really appreciate this type of systems of equation solver which can be easily designed in "C" Language.....

  2. I am also searching and want help in the coding part of development of simplifying radical expressions calculator which will be available online .Please give some suggestions .

  3. In the swap function, is it possible to enter this block of code without Temp2 being initialized?
    for (Counter2=0; Counter2<C+1; Counter2++)
    { //this will swap the rows


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